Friday, June 13, 2008

Lunch with Another Familiar Face

Doing work for free can be a pain, but free publicity is always great. In anticipation of relaunching his theater production company at the end of the summer, an old roommate emailed me to see how things were going and if I'd be willing to update his site. I'm not crazy about the web anymore, but, if it meant I could keep up the links to my portfolio site, I'd be happy to redesign the site I created in 2004-ish. Plus, he was open to having me take a picture of the staff members in a studio setting. A group shot for someone that will be used outside a wedding album or Tavern on the Green frame? Sign me up.

Plus, coming into Manhattan for lunch meant getting to not eat more peanut butter and jelly and going out for a date in Manhattan with LV. It was a good day. Now I just have to my homework to get the site redesigned.

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