Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Some How I Will Make This Happen

I have to be sure to go this game—Game of Thrones jerseys at the Staten Island Yankees.  —Luis

Meet George R.R. Martin Night

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fandom Awakens

The internet almost broke last week with the debut of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer. It was viewed over 30 million times in the first 24 hours, and caused Disney stock to go shooting through the roof. I was excited for this movie before, but am even more excited now. 

J.J. seems to have locked into what every Star Wars fan has been asking for and looks to have delivered an epic. Soaring John Williams music, desert locales, outer space dogfights, new droids, well-designed villains (Kylo Ren’s triblade), and the return of some original classics (I nearly lost it when Han says “Chewie, we’re home"). This is going to be huge. I wish it were December already!  —Luis

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Time Traveling Fun

Mark Millar and Sean Murphy’s Chrononauts is a little bit Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid meets Back to the Future. Which is to say, it’s a lot of fun. Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly are very much like the Newman/Redford characters in Butch Cassidy (and The Sting). Their relationship is the engine that drives the book. As they get deeper and deeper into shenanigans, you wonder how it's going to play out. While Millar's stories of late have seemed very made-for-the-screen (hard to argue with his thinking seeing how many of his stories get made into movies), this series is pure sci-fi comics gold. Murphy's pencils are great as well. As good as he was on The Wake, he seems even better here. I can’t wait to see the way this series plays out.  —Luis

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fight Owens Fights

A buddy of mine in the office is a huge independent wrestling fan. For months now he has been trying to get me to watch old Kevin Steen matches. I like wrestling, but I like it to be well-produced WWE-style, so I tend to shy away from the independent promotions. Kevin Steen then signed on with WWE and got placed at NXT as the renamed Kevin Owens. Now I see what all the fuss is about.

Since his debut in December, Owens has steam-rolled the competition. He is incredibly agile for someone his size with a remarkable sense of ring psychology. His mic work is already that of a seasoned veteran. I feel like we are watching the birth of a superstar. All of which leads me to his NXT title match with Sami Zayn (which the WWE greatly packaged, leaning heavily on the past history and friendship of these two men). 

No one expected Zayn to drop the title he had fought so hard to finally snag from Neville. Yet here he was in his first title defense getting absolutely mauled by Owens. The sheer physicality of it all was amazing. Zayn selling every powerbomb as if he were near death. The refs stopping the fight and awarding the belt to Owens was reminiscent of the classic Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold match. Owens has star written all over him. I’m sure his stint at NXT will be short lived as the WWE knows they have a main event wrestler in their minors.  —Luis

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Reviews Are In...

NYCC should pay you to do such strong work on their behalf. Seriously, very well done.  -Colin, Maxim

You have completely outdone yourself!!!! This issue is amazing!! -Hilary, Wired

Great issue! LONG too. You guys must have worked really hard! -Mikey, Zinio

Awesome! I always look forward to reading these. Nice job—this issue looks great! -Alexander, Scholastic

Check it out for yourself:

Monday, January 26, 2015

Reign of Boos

This past weekend, the WWE put on their annual Royal Rumble. The general mayhem of the Rumble always makes it one of my favorite events of the year. This year even more so as Daniel Bryan was returning, and I was sure that was going to lead to great things. I mean they wouldn’t make the same mistake as last year and have an unpopular big man win (read: the returning Batista in January 2014).

Coming into the event everyone expected Roman Reigns (the new WWE anointed big man) to come out on top. Daniel Bryan entered early (10th) had some nice moments but got eliminated by a strong Bray Wyatt. Once the “Yes movement” unceremoniously ended, the crowd turned rabid. They booed every move lustily. When it became apparent that Reigns would win, the heel-loving Philly crowd really let the WWE have it. Not even a surprise appearance by the Rock (trying to give his real-life cousin a positive rub) would help. It was as angry a crowd as I can remember. 

The WWE really dropped the ball on this event. What the fans wanted wasn’t taken into account at all. Hopefully they start paying attention soon.  —Luis

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Comic Con Is Finally Up!

Check out our 52 pages of coverage:

Art Department Weekly | Issue 77 Vol. 6

(We redesigned a little.)