Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Not Just Kittens

I really do take pictures of things other than my cats...

After assisting on a shoot for Verse magazine and talking to the fashion director about where I could find wardrobe stylists, I was really motivated to go out and find some people. These people keep canceling on me, but I push on. Shoots are always better with stylists, but, hey, I think we did all right with a wardrobe person.

And now for a photo of me taking a photo

This is a picture LV took of me and Shannon on Wednesday. I'm the one with the camera...

Pictures from this shoot to follow soon. A little too much freelancing and unfulfilled invoices to follow up on. Blech.

Things I do for money

This is top half of October for the Woman's Day calendars you can download and print. Fun, right? I banged out May - December one night and then haven't been able to finish them up in Illustrator. This picture was taken to send for approvals.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


If they're not in the office or sleeping on the couch, the cats are probably up to no good. Here, Streaky has sneaked into Scrappy's room to play with her new High School Musical board game. Wee...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Separate food, too

If they can't drink from the same bowl, they sure can't eat from the same bowl...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

More Computers

I set up the G3, thinking it would help me multi-task more efficiently. I could retouch my beauty shoot on one computer while downloading images on the other. Really, it's just created more places to sit and moved my filing cabinet to a less convenient spot.

Not the three printers in this picture. The were all replaced with one big printer later in the week when I needed to print new materials for my book. No thanks to the G3.

What's wrong with this picture...

Yes, there is a cat drinking water from a cup on top of a TV in the kitchen.

The closer the cats come to their date to be neutered, the crazier they're getting. They can no longer share a water bowl. Cupid needs to drink from a cup way up high. He prefers cups to bowls. I don't know why.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Helper Monkey

LV says he wants a helper monkey. I say he already has one.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Site Update

I updated and tweaked my site design today. I added the better food shots I've taken recently, my latest model, and a new portfolio of toys. I also retouched my other model a bit more. I don't know when I'll ever be able to retouch all the photos I'm slated to retouch. My computer is super slow, so I set up a second one. The second one is a G3. That's like the stone age compared the first computer. Curses...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Back on the Meds

About three hours into his first day of not being scheduled to take antibiotics, Cupid threw up again. I decided it wasn't the antibiotics after all and that I was going to get my $200 worth. He's actually gotten much better the closer we get to the end of the bottle.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Maybe this is why you're sick...?

You would think it's bath time for kitty, but, no, he's just chilling in the sink. Probably drinking dirty dish water. Note the awesome bamboo utensils from Jesse and Mandi. Maybe Cupid knows how awesome they are and just wanted to be closer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Moving Files and Cleaning Up Vomit

For five days all I did was was wash blankets, move files, trek to the vet's office, clean up vomit, move files, clean up vomit, burn a CD, clean up vomit... only to learn on the sixth day that I paid $200 for antibiotics to cure a UTI my cat doesn't have and to make him thoroughly ill.

At least my floors sparkle now.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Attempt at Fashion

So, this model from Colorado, one of the many many models on Model Mayhem who was coming to New York for a winter recess, wanted me to shoot with her between Jan 5 and Jan 9. I set aside the 7th, she said great, let's shoot my friend, too, and then I never heard from her again.

After telling wardrobe, hair and makeup that the shoot was off, I decided I would use myself for a shoot. It was embarrassingly lame. But here is the last frame--me, defeated on the floor. (Ten-second timer.) I should have paid attention to where I set those lights. It's the closest I've had to a blown out white background.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Early Morning Shoot

A Model Mayhem model and I arranged to shoot fashion at sunrise because that seemed like a convenient and interesting time. Unfortunately, we picked a record-setting cold morning. There was going to be no outdoor shoot. The sunrise was beautiful, but it wasn't happening. We shot indoors. And only after the space heater blew the fuse my lights were on.

Less than a week later, the low was 60 degrees.