Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cheering Section

I wasn't sure if I was going to cover the marathon again. Last year I ran around the city to cover as much as I could. Last year there were no 8GB cards on sale (so all I had were some 512MB cards). Last year I didn't really know what I was doing. This year, though, I knew I didn't end up doing much with the pictures I took. In fact, I did so little, I didn't even post them on this blog. I was thinking this year it might be fun for the three of us to go down to the marathon and sit and be spectators and cheer.

The weather was pretty nice. We found a sunny spot at the 4-mile area, saw the wheelchair, women's, men's, and the rest run past. On the left is the winner, on the right is Scrappy doing a dance to keep warm. We left in time to get home to see the lead women and men finish on TV.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Chuck E.

We wore our costumes again for a costume birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. I shouldn't say "we" because adding a tiara to your street clothes isn't much of a costume. For a second day in a row, LV was Indiana Jones and Scrappy was Padme from The Clone Wars. LV suggested I wear a sweater vest and be him. Then we decided that was weird. Instead, I tried to dress like one of the archeology students in Raiders of the Lost Ark--a cute dress, Mary Janes, and "Love You" written on my eyelids. No one knew I was in a costume. Maybe I should have gone with the tiara.