Sunday, January 31, 2010

Or Not So Much

I haven't been here in a long time... After I finished up retouching all the high res photos for my portfolios and sent them off to Niche with LV, I started doing graphic design out the wazoo. There was a lot more freelance design to be done than freelance photography. I had one more assignment for LG Mobile (well, two more days of shooting around the Feburary fashion week), and then pretty much took a break from everything because I was pregnant and no one had any money left to spend on freelance budgets. Really, I didn't go back to work until the very end of pregnancy—right before the end of the fiscal year (when there was leftover money for freelancers again). In between, I started painting, did some illustrations, waited to be paid for those illustrations, and wondered how I had become such a couch potato. I'll fill in the gaps. But that's where I've been. Now I'm accountable. ;0)