Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Nose

It's no work of art, but the thought behind it was too good to discard. At a baby shower for her aunt, Scrappy wondered if what she saw poking out of her aunt's tummy was the baby's nose. I mean, who has an outie belly button...?

Thursday, May 29, 2008


My new batch of postcards arrived yesterday, but I haven't made a move to start printing new labels for the next round going out (advertising contacts). I still have to gather up my stack of cards that were returned (like six or seven) and find out why they were returned.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy 100

Luckily my hundredth post has pictures... LV is finally creating a portfolio site for himself, and I today I helped by shooting some of his work for the site.

Lots of prop-styling tabletop fun.

Lots of trying to make it look like everything just fell on the table that way.

And then I got to take some pictures of my favorite subject.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Castle

Last weekend Scrappy did such an amazing job cleaning her room, that Cupid was left with few places to explore. I decided to help him out in his attempt to reach the Dora castle, but he's too fidgety to be a good model. See the open front door? He stuck his head there for one second.

He didn't seem to enjoy his jump down (the back of the TV he jumped to is slanted), so I don't think he'll be trying to get up there on his own again. Or at least, he didn't that night during story time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Second Wave

With 500 more postcards on their way to me, I sent out the remaining 197 from the first batch to editorial contacts. My advertising list is sort of prepared. I should probably get on that.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Changing Face of Brooklyn

After a day of cleaning out my office, I was ready to do nothing but catch up on voting for the entries in the Brooklyn Museum's Click! exhibition. There are 389 to vote on, and I stopped after finding mine at Number 56. I found the remaining 333 to be thoroughly disappointing. If I think all of the entries are pretty poor, what does that say about my entry...?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Don't be fooled--these are the most uncomfortable shoes ever. I kept them for two years after confirming that there is no hope of making them comfortable (the moleskin peeking out under the strap did nothing to stop that piece of metal from bruising and ripping my foot) because I think they're cute. I should have taken a picture instead of buying them.

These turned out to be very comfortable shoes after really breaking them in. And no matter how silly I decided they looked, I had to wear them. For like five years I refused to get rid of them. I should have taken a picture long before they were so worn out.

Seeing as the cats are the closest thing I have cubemates or coworkers, I don't really need industrial strength headphones to block out discussions of Weight Watchers points or computer woes. I should have taken a picture before I broke them in three places.

Glasses with a funny nose are much funnier when they are being attacked. I should have tried to put them on Steaky's face sooner.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Why karaoke at home with your PlayStation when you can karaoke on stage with back-up singers and have the video projected in Times Square? Scary but true. The kids' afternoon was way more endearing than I thought it would be. There were only a few times that 20 tweens got on stage to sing a song they did not know.

Every table comes with a computer screen where you can request your songs, create a profile and send messages to other tables. Scrappy was slightly crazed about needing to see her video of "Bet On It" that mysteriously wouldn't load.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

They Were Pretty

The cats got on the table... Also, it was Free Chicken Sandwich day. Breakfast chicken biscuit before we went to the museum, Southern-style Chicken Sandwich for lunch after we left the museum, and then not-McDonald's for dinner. (Not that dinner was so much better.)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I haven't taken a lot of pictures lately because I've been writing a lot more. But I pretty much spent Mother's Day retouching photos to be able to finish up disks I owe to stylists.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I didn't take the camera with me today. Or maybe I just didn't feel like taking it out? But today was an adventure. We rented a car that had a flat tire, switched it for another car, drove to storage, drove to the cemetery for LV's dad's birthday, then went to the hospital to see his mom. I picked storage to go first because I figured we should get lifting boxes out of the way while we still had the energy to do it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Back to Normal Life

Not really. Iron Man at 10 a.m.? The rest of the day where I'm worrying about retouching, mailing disks, picking up my new portfolio, and trying to figure out if I still have a shoot this weekend is pretty normal.