Tuesday, March 18, 2008

RS Live

That's a beer cup being thrown around the crowd on the floor. You would think this was a really kick-ass time right? I still can't remember the name of the band. The best part of the night was getting to see a bunch of people I didn't expect to see that night. (People who also couldn't remember the name of the band.)

LV was my hand model that night. Here he is holding a beer. The last time we went to get a drink, we lost our spots on the railing. These are the shoes of the guys who jumped on those spots.

This is one of the guy's who is blocking my view. I'm assuming he was fixing an ear plug and not scooping earwax, but you never know. Either one was not something I needed to see from the guy blocking my view. LV models again as we make our exit from the show.

Hard Rock has really good lighting. I don't think I fully appreciated it until I shot at other venues. That night I appreciated it, and then we went to get dinner.

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