Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jay is very tall

Now, it's probably totally hypocritical to label all of my photos with a big "" and then steal images off TV, but, until I get my cease and desist order, these images are courtesy of Tyra Banks, Ken Mock and the fabulous people at CW.

This is Sarah, shooting the 14 contestants for America's Next Top Model Cycle 10. I tried to stand as far away from Sarah as possible during filming so as not to end up on TV. When she asked me to stay closer so she could hand me the camera when she was done shooting, I took to squatting as close to the ground as possible so I would not end up on TV.

Mr. Jay is very tall, but when the cameras first started rolling, I was like right over his shoulder the whole time. We all were. The producers told us to stop clumping. So, I took to scurrying around the background. At one point I kicked over a pipe and caused a really loud bang. Then I started hiding farther away from the set (which wasn't really possible).

I am squatting and thus escaped being in this frame. It also helped me keep warm. It was really cold in November.

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